Monday, June 20, 2011

Scorced Earth......

Utter mostly,there's a slut on a rampage.....feeds on money invested on her.The name is Noraini Binti Noh.Seems like Mohd Shariff Mohd Isa has landed comfortably on the trap set by her.Multiple victims before me.Lucky for me.... i managed to sniff all the miss-happenings before its done.Here are the photos sent by her to seduce me.

Sleazy huh?It takes more than that to make me drool

Thank proud i am to myself i survived the seduction.I still love my Yoko....

Currently listening to Real Love by The Beatles

Thursday, May 26, 2011

At your disposeable...

Many things happened during this blogging session hiatus. The norms of life itself. The ups and downs of emotional rollercoaster. Should I include the tingling sensation?

Nailing the final nail to the coffin. To keep the love from resurecting. Final blow to the heart. Lifeless and emotionless will it be after this. It took me a lot of strenght and courage to do it. She thought I solemnly do this. She's Psychic so don't pass judgement which are filled with self-righteousness. I'm having much difficulties same as her. I used to and still love her so much before the methamorphosis. It turn herendous so did I. I played along. Turned myself to the darkside.

Apart from that,a discovery was made. A friend. With all d good qualities.

Monday, May 23, 2011

1st entry huh? A round of applause to myself. Bold move Faiz.Considering my internet connection is here like a hard line, I've decided to blog again after a few attempts and encouragement from my past readers.
What's with people and their 'empty' expressions through their wall huh? Terms that are so simple like 'Good Morning' and not so wholesome things to put on the wall. There's a few who often do that particular personality suicidal stuff by telling the whole wide world that ur a boring person. Those people are Asyhraf Khan and Syairul Amri. Sorry guys. As you're killing your personallity with boredome,I might as well help you guys to severe your wounds.
I sincerely admire Auni Mohammed because she posted quite a sum of entries on her wall. Average of 5 per day! But still,imbuned with 'wholesome' things to think,wonder and telling people how interesting and intellectual infused you can be. One may put pictures of their children to rectify and to shout it out loud about their pride and joy like Hairuddin Rabalnie.
What I'm trying to present here care on how you present yourself in The Net.

P/s : To Ashraf Mazlan,you might wanna change the status of relationship 'open relationship' to other meaningful terms. Do you have any idea what open relationship means?